Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Lagooned 2008

Here are our wonderful Pirates. the big guy is autistic and a pretty good actor. Most of the pirates are wearing costumes that I had in my attic. The leader of the pirates is wearing a coat that Maddie got at the Whitewater Theater costume sale. I had to add a pocket so he had some place to keep his loupe
Mrs Withers is wearing a dress of mine as well and is holding the stuffed dog Napoleon she carries with her because she is allergic to fur woof woof
here are the island princesses. Our lead princess asked me if she was going to get a prop. "after all I am the freakin Island Princess" so I made her a crown of flowers I found that dress at Goodwill long before the show. She never really cared for it, but it looked great on her
Nurse Jane and Trixie were great. the nurses costume is a lovely vintage cotton uniform that I found on EBAY when I was hunting for things for Harvey. The zipper was funky on it and so I had it replaced. It really is a lovely dress and has pin tucking all across the bosom. Trixie is wearing some great pants that I found at Goodwill and was glad to finally get to use. I found some great shoes there too with clear acrylic wedges. The top I stole from Maddie's drawer and the actress added the hat and sunglasses. I sewed them to the hat so they wouldn't fall off and then we hair sprayed the glasses to cut down on the glare

1 comment:

Kristina Law said...

Since I do not have your email, I am hoping that you will get this in time.

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